
A minimal, secure, command-line tool for interfacing with XDCC senders.


xget [-A|--no-acknowledge] [-O|--output-document] <uri> <nick> send <pack>

In its most basic form, xget accepts a number of arguments: an IRC URI, which denotes the hostname, scheme, port number, and IRC channels to join; the XDCC-sending nick name; send, the XDCC command; and the pack number to request.

The URI format is irc://HOSTNAME[:PORT]/[#]CHANNEL[,[#]CHANNEL...]. If the port number is not specified, the port number TCP/6667 will be used. The URI may contain one or more IRC channels—optionally prefixed with an octothorpe (#)—each of which will be joined.


-A, --no-acknowledge

-O, --output-document


Request pack #34 from nick super-duper-bot with XDCC SEND on the IRC network irc.sampel.net, after joining the IRC channel #best-channel.

xget irc://irc.sampel.net/#best-channel super-duper-bot send 34

Request pack #34 from nick super-duper-bot with XDCC SEND on the IRC network irc.sampel.net, connected via port TCP/1337, after joining the IRC channel #best-channel.

xget irc://irc.sampel.net:1337/#best-channel super-duper-bot send 34

Request pack #34 from nick super-duper-bot with XDCC SEND on the IRC network irc.sampel.net, after joining the IRC channels #best-channel and #best-chat-channel.

xget irc://irc.sampel.net/#best-channel,#best-chat-channel super-duper-bot send 34

Supported Operating Systems:

Source: https://mario-campos.github.io/software/xget/, 2022-11-04